Objects in Space -- Game Analysis

Created on 2024-01-24T06:04:34-06:00

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This card can also be read via Gemini.

News: news bulletins provide tutorial information indirectly, warn of areas of pirate activity, potential job sites.

IFF: identifies yours and others ships. Police get butthurt if your IFF is off.

False readings: navigation computer sometimes shows unknown objects which are not real.

Newtonian physics: autopilot stops the ship by flipping the heading around and doing a burn to counteract your velocity.

Space objects: asteroids (damage on hit?), nebulas have effects, can travel through open space just fine.

Undocking permits: have to pay credits to be allowed to leave a station but not to dock with it.

Trade missions: have cargo space, go to destination and collect reward.

Comms: e-mail is done in a delayed fashion; you can reply to messages or receive them but it only takes effect when you actually “download” updates.

Talking to NPCs is another way to get generic jobs (though some of the NPC jobs have little storylines attached to them.)

Ship consists of a number of modules/components which get damaged on their own and need to be replaced or upgraded.