Let's Try Talisman: Digital Edition - Learn by Doing

Created on 2023-09-14T21:27:05-05:00

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This card pertains to a resource available on the internet.

This card can also be read via Gemini.

Characters go around rings of a board game. Certain tiles of the board are associated with events and possibly a deck of cards to trigger events and encounters there.

Perform encounters until you have enough resources to change to a ring closer to the center of the map. These require taking down difficult monsters or performing a series of steps like building a raft to cross the river.

Inner ring loops have more difficult encounters.

The center of the map has the "Crown of Command," to which holding it means you win the game.

Your character has a single "class" determined by the DLC you bought and what you start the game as.

Stats include "spells" and "lives," which are currencies for performing spells or losing fight rolls.

Running out of lives means a character is out of the game.

Entire game revolves around rolling die, moving around a circular board, and resolving encounter cards. There are other modules to add city mechanics but it's not a full D&D adventure.