Gygax 75 by Ray Otus
Created on 2023-08-06T05:22:45-05:00
- Hemmingway stops writing mid-sentence because he know how to end the sentence. Started a new sesion by finishing the sentence and carrying on--no blank page syndrome.
- Make multiple passes over material. Creative work improves on iteration.
- Stopping work sessions is important.
- Flexible deadlines can result in blowing all deadliens and never finishing.
- Don't try to be perfect on the first pass.
- Don't think about publication while writing.
- Article is for D&D but most settings can be metaphored to dungeon and town settings.
- Try not to patch a system and write. Either finish the mechanics, or write the story and patch the rules to support it in another pass.
Week 1
- Get a comfortable note platform
- 3-7 bullet points to pitch the campaign
- Choose 7 sources of inspiration
- Mood board: songs, text, and images to get a feel for the settings
- Practice your pitch
Week 2
- Get a hex map
- One large settlement
- Two smaller settlementsOne major, three hex terrain feature
- One mysterious location
- One dungeon entrance
- Give map hexes numbers and keep a list of coords to map features
- Decorate the map
- Create an encounter table
Week 3
- Pitch the dungeon under 10 words
- Create a loose map of room connectoins
- Do this for 3 floors
- d6+6 rooms per floor
- Incude multiple paths up and down
- Give each floor a theme
- Make iconic foes for this dungeon
- Seed landmarks in rooms of the dungeon
- Put 3 artifacts in the dungeon
- Final detail work
- Commit the map to an actual design, on graph paper
Week 4
- Obtain a city map
- Prepare item shops
- Seed city with details
- Political faction and rival
- Somewhere to lose all your money
- Somewhere to hear gossip
- Secret guild halls and their reputation
- Food and board
- Religious center and gods/cult
- Unique town feature
- 5 important NPCs
- Flavor: Hirelings, rumors, and building descriptions
Week 5
- Sketch out the continent
- Outline other places the players could go and how to get there
- Create the pantheon for the setting
- Create other prominent NPC and villains
- Create a calendar of events and festivals
- Rumors from other lands
- Create other artifacts for world and give them stories
- More encounter rolls for terrains
- Rival mercenaries the players will encounter
- Seed unusual features in the map
D: distinguishing feature
N: needs
A: agenda, secrets