Patrick Flanagan's Neurophone

Created on 2022-08-29T04:59:08-05:00

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Neurophone transmits sound to the brain through some resonance shenanigans; picked up by the nervous system and then the brain experiences the sound.

All hearing aids stimulate tiny bones in the ear. In order for bone conduction to work, the cochlea or inner ear that connects to the 8th cranial nerve must function. People who are nerve deaf cannot hear through bone conduction because the nerves in the inner ear are not functional.
It was shown that a minute current (50-100 micro amperes) can alter outer protein layers of the HIV virus and prevent it's attachment to receptor sites. (Science News March 30, 1991, pg. 207).

Book: Towards A New Alchemy, by Nick Begich.

Book: Super-Memory: The Revolution, by Sheila Ostrander and Lynn Schroeder.

Article: Explore More Magazine's March/April 1996 article, 'The Skin, Our Fifth Sense'

Book: Psychic Discoveries Behind The Iron Curtain by Sheila Ostrander and Lynn Schroeder.

Book: The Body Electric- Electromagnetism and the Foundation of Life, by Robert O. Becker, M.D. and Gary Selden,

Five years later, another hard-fought legal battle rescinded the suppression and patent #3,647,970 was granted on March 7th 1972. This speech processing patent is actually used as the circuit in the present version of the Neurophone.
Winston Churchill said, "most people occasionally stumble over the truth, but most pick themselves up and continue on as if nothing had ever happened".