Core Game Loops in Nim with Unhygenic Templates

Created on 2022-07-21T19:07:46-05:00

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Offers a template which handles the core inner loop of a game engine. Uses unhygenic symbol injection to insert functions that may be called within a limited scope. Those functions are themselves templates meaning the entire rig is short-hand which is compiled as the loops would have been written in C anyway.

## Things essential for any game out there. This module also has a few
## submodules for things that didn't fit into any other category:
## - ``rapid/game/tilemap`` – tilemap with collision detection

import std/monotimes
import std/times

template runGameWhile*(cond: bool, body: untyped,
                       updateFreq: float32 = 60): untyped =
  ## Starts a fixed timestep game loop.
  ## There are two important templates available inside the loop:
  ## - ``update: `` – anything inside the `` runs at a constant
  ##   tick rate of ``updateFreq``
  ## - ``draw : `` – calculates the interpolation coefficient
  ##   `` and passes it to the ``
  ## There are also a few variables available inside the loop:
  ## - ``time: float64`` – time elapsed since the start of the loop, in seconds
  ## - ``delta: float64`` – time elapsed since the last frame, in seconds
  ## - ``secondsPerUpdate: float32`` – time between updates
  ## **Example:**
  ## .. code-block:: nim
  ##  import std/os
  ##  runGameWhile true:  # the condition is usually ``not win.closeRequested``
  ##    echo (time: time, delta: delta)
  ##    # process input here
  ##    update:
  ##      # tick your entities here
  ##    draw step:
  ##      # draw your entities here
  ##    sleep(20)  # this is fulfilled by ``frame.finish()``, but we don't have
  ##               # a window in this example


      startTime = getMonoTime()
      previousTime = getMonoTime()
      lag: float32 = 0.0

    while cond:
        currentTime = getMonoTime()
        delta {.inject.} =
          float32(inMilliseconds(currentTime - previousTime).float64 * 0.001)
      previousTime = currentTime
      lag += delta

        time {.inject.} =
          inMilliseconds(currentTime - startTime).float64 * 0.001
        secondsPerUpdate {.inject.} = 1'f32 / updateFreq

      template update(updateBody: untyped): untyped {.inject.} =

          while lag >= secondsPerUpdate:
            lag -= secondsPerUpdate

      template draw(stepName, drawBody: untyped): untyped {.inject.} =

          let stepName {.inject.} = lag / secondsPerUpdate


when isMainModule:

  import std/os

  runGameWhile true:
    echo (time: time, delta: delta)
      echo "running update"
    draw step:
      echo "drawing with step ", step