RDF Ontology for Program Code

Created on 2022-06-16T14:46:02-05:00

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This card can also be read via Gemini.

Modules, objects, methods and functions can just be defined as nodes and related as usual.

Parameters are an obnoxious case.

Storing parameters in a collection is a neat idea since those are ordered. Hand writing sucks less that way. Not sure how efficiently this kind of thing can be stored or worked with though. Especially a collection of blank nodes is obnoxious to query and isn't making strong use of a triple store's strengths.


LV2 approaches this by some "lv2:parameter" predicate which relates the object to blank nodes that define each parameter. The parameter then holds an lv2:index indicating the index of the data port. This requires each parameter to store its positional information explicitly which sucks for hand writing but is very servicable for indexing.