Social networking

Created on 2022-05-24T00:53:30-05:00

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This card pertains to a resource available on the internet.

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Dichotomy of wanting to avoid censors (banning legitimate discourse of controvertial ideas) while removing clowns from the conversation.

Shills: bad actors working from a given script; instilling a particular narrative.

Shills trying to insert their script against other shills.

Posters responding with same or very similar responses all the time.

Use of public space for people to meet then private chats to finalize details of business transactions.

Bunch of crypto shit.

Sorbanes-Oxley messing up a finance model where people who ran a startup held shares that could eventually become valuable.

moron resistant high-tech teams

BIP39 wallets.


Showing posts by followers as unread

Allowing viewing the post that a post is a reply to

Replies to a post only shown with a direct link to them, or if the poster approves them, or the post is approved by the poster.

Possibly allow approvals from other people you follow.

"Blanket approvals" where everything from that follower is treated as approved.


Nodes which "approve" of posts also partake in hosting those posts for their followers to read.