Good-Bye Germ Theory by Dr. William P.

Created on 2022-04-24T15:26:26-05:00

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Book is written by a chiropractor. Do with that what you will.

Comments from 1920 doctors about Alzeimers incidents being lower in unvaccinated.

Lack of long-term A/B testing.

Side effects not attributable to vaccination if they occur 48 hours after injection.

Protein blocks making it to the brain where they can't be processed and the chains degrade and rot; become deitritus in the brain region.

Suggests 7-day water fasts once in spring and once in summer, then eating fresh fruit/vegetable for two days.

Large increase in stock shorts prior to calamitous events.

Stopped reading when the book went full illuminati.

Japan increased their minimum vaccination age to 2 years old from 2 months old in 1975. Upon doing this, SIDS, spinal meningitis and many other related nervous system diseases virtually disappeared from the country. Japan then went from #17 in infant mortality to #1 in the world. Of course, children began to have all sorts of problems again beginning at age 2 when they received their vaccines.