Pixel Art Algorithm: Pixel Perfect

Created on 2021-12-09T21:33:50-06:00

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This card pertains to a resource available on the internet.

This card can also be read via Gemini.

Filter out and don't dab a pixel if it would result in creating a degenerate section of pixel art.

pub fn pixel_perfect(path: &[Pixel]) -> Vec {
    if path.len() == 1 || path.len() == 0 {
        return path.iter().cloned().collect();
    let mut ret = Vec::new();
    let mut c = 0;

    while c < path.len() {
      if c > 0 && c+1 < path.len()
        && (path[c-1].point.x == path[c].point.x || path[c-1].point.y == path[c].point.y)
        && (path[c+1].point.x == path[c].point.x || path[c+1].point.y == path[c].point.y)
        && path[c-1].point.x != path[c+1].point.x
        && path[c-1].point.y != path[c+1].point.y
        c += 1;


      c += 1;
