Contact Management with PostgreSQL
Created on 2021-11-30T22:25:09-06:00
create table contacts (uid text primary key, name text);
create table interactions (uid text primary key, contact_uid text, notes text, created_at timestamp);
Show every contact who does not have any interactions logged:
select from contacts left join interactions i on i.contact_uid = contacts.uid where i.contact_uid is null;
Show interactions which happen within the recency window:
select contact_uid, created_at from interactions where created_at > now()-interval '1 day';
Join contacts table with interactions in the past interval; show people with no interactions in that interval
select from contacts left join (select contact_uid, created_at from interactions where created_at > now()-interval '1 day') i on i.contact_uid = contacts.uid where i.contact_uid is null;