Increased nerve growth factor serum levels in top athletes

Created on 2021-08-09T03:00:51-05:00

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The nerve growth factor (NGF) is the main neurotrophin, which, besides being an important growth factor for nerves, plays an important role as a mediator of inflammation. Nerve growth factor has been shown to increase in relation to stress stimuli and in allergic diseases in humans as well as after physical exercise in animal models.
This is the first study showing that intense and prolonged physical exercise is associated with an increase of NGF serum levels in athletes. Whether the increased NGF production might be linked to the prevalent Th2 response observed in allergic diseases and after physical exercise and whether it might be related to the patophysiology of neuro-immune disorders as such amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, reported with a higher prevalence in athletes, should deserve further investigations.