VP8, VP9 and AV1 Codec tests

Created on 2020-12-21T18:34:08-06:00

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Testing one minute of 720p30 footage (clipped from 1:00:00 to 1:01:00 of Johnny Mneumonic.)

Uncompressed Y4M file (required by rav1e): 1.9G.

rav4e was about 2 frames per second (AMD FX hexcore) and only marginally better bitrate than VP9. Speed of 10 produced around 500-600kbps bitrate. Speed of 5 was 350-500kbps. So *someday* you will be able to use AV1 to crunch videos about on par with HEVC.

All tests were run against the ground truth file (Y4M.)

$ ffmpeg -i test.y4m -c:v vp9 -crf 31 -b:v 2M test-vp9-crf31.webm
$ du
4.8M	test-vp9-crf31.webm
$ ffmpeg -i test.y4m -c:v vp8 -crf 31 -b:v 2M test-vp8-crf31.webm
$ du
7.8M	test-vp8-crf31.webm
$ icedquinn@raziel ~/D/ra1e> ./rav1e test.y4m --speed 10 --tiles 12 --output test-av1-s10.ivf
4.0M	test-av1-s10.ivf