Using i3status to show Current Task
Created on 2020-11-28T00:39:08-06:00
general { output_format = "i3bar" colors = true interval = 5 } order += "read_file task" order += "memory" order += "tztime local" tztime local { format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S" } memory { format = "%used" threshold_degraded = "10%" format_degraded = "MEMORY: %free" } read_file task { path = "/tmp/current-task" }
Now you need a hook to write every time you call task:
#!/bin/fish if test -e /tmp/tasking exit end touch /tmp/tasking set most_urgent_desc (task rc.verbose: limit:1 next) set most_urgent_id (task rc.verbose: limit:1 next) echo "$most_urgent_id" > /tmp/current-task-id echo "$most_urgent_desc" > /tmp/current-task rm /tmp/tasking
It is important to use a lock file otherwise calls to task used by this script will in turn call the hook again, resulting in a fork bomb.