
Created on 2020-09-20T18:43:37+00:00

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This card pertains to a resource available on the internet.

This card can also be read via Gemini.

Spiritually derived from Stanford's "NLS/Augment" project; a system where all things are interlinked hypertext connected to outlines and look-up systems.

TODO have a journal of flouride trying to get it to work

Hyperbole consists of a few modules that are not strictly related, but are kind of meant to be used together:

On first glance Hyperbole seems like a large "okay, why do I care?" The manual does not do an amazing job selling the value of it.

It becomes more interesting in that its trying to sell a philosophy of hyperlinked plain text. For example a line breaking algorithm might be defined in a koutline or an org file, while the implementation of it is in a separate nim file. There then exist "buttons" so that while in either buffer, you can hit the action key and it will navigate to the appropriate line of code or headline in the program spec.

A specification document may link to the code which does something, which in turn links to bug tickets about it. Things become connected through hyperlinks you can just point at and hit alt-enter to navigate.