Maintaining the Zettelkasten

Created on 2020-08-20T01:51:58.153731

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This card can also be read via Gemini.

Create new cards with `rake new.` This inserts a template with meta-data already stubbed out and ready to enter, like old e-mail clients would do.

Write in a modified text/gemini format.

Primarily this changes lists to start with - instead of * because I make extensive use of lists and the shift key induces RSI.

Generate specification text/gemini via z2gmi.rb

Generate HTML via z2html.rb

Use plan9ports mk to make sure text/gemini and html files are up to date from their cards.

This is slow though since it has to boot up a ruby twice per file; thinking of moving to rake to get rid of redundant starts.

When finished everything is rsync'ed from output to the server.

Probably should use capistrano or sshkit and a proper lockstep update method, so we don't compromise the live output folders during an update.