
Created on 2020-08-19T04:34:53.349019

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This card can also be read via Gemini.

Ninepine (9pine) is Iced's stupid experiment to make Alpine even less usable than it currently is.

Plan9Ports is about 160mb fresh off ./INSTALL, but about 60mb when you strip all the binaries. This also includes stuff like rio and acme which aren't strictly needed in a server.

Regardless since an Alpine base image is only 5mb, you're looking at a 70mb full system compared to a 500+mb Fedora/Debian.

Current to-dos

TODO Try running `rc` directly as a user shell

TODO Wrap up as an apk package you can install

TODO Notify upstream how to get this running on alpine/muscl

Packages you need to install

apk add libucontext-dev libxt-dev

Patch you need to apply

diff --git a/src/mkhdr b/src/mkhdr
index 35a2ccc5..9046b7e9 100644
--- a/src/mkhdr
+++ b/src/mkhdr
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ OS=$O

+LD=9l -Wl,--whole-archive /lib/libucontext.a -Wl,--no-whole-archive