The Polling Fraud Game
Created on 2020-08-19T02:59:58.239457
- Use a set of answering persons whom's alignment you are already reasonably certain of.
- Select a proportion of these for the result you want to elevate.
- Conduct the biased poll.
- Report the biased poll without mentioning that it is biased, or bury the disclosure in the fine print hoping nobody will read it.
- Act like the poll is fair and balanced, even if you never *technically* say that it is.
For example: you poll 30 guitars and 10 pianos. Then report "three out of every four persons prefers the guitar."
The goal is to make it look, to the casual observer, that there exists an overwhelming support for guitars over pianos.
It is important the poll be biased and not faked, because you can use many rhetorical games to defend the bias as a mistake everyone is prone to.