Atari 1040ST & Notator Sequencer | The Perfect Combo | Tutorial & Workflow
Created on 2020-08-14T01:38:39.487510
- All 16 MIDI channels are shown on the front page with optional channel names.
- Arranger view shows sections of the song.
- Notator is based on "patterns" which in turn have "tracks" which send data to ports.
- Tracks can be looped and offsetted individually; ex a drum track can be recorded and set to repeat 4 times within a pattern.
- Everything critical is accessible from the main screen w/o menu diving. Separate screens are reserved for specific (ex. editing the piano roll) tasks.
Its an MPC style workflow where you mostly pick a track/channel and hit record, play a take for the pattern in and do this for other track/channels. You don't really use the piano roll and it's not a big linear sequence although you can eventually create them.