Created on 2020-08-03T00:31:27.351769
- Discontinuity: Whenever the next value makes a sharp change; it is largely different from the previous step. For example a saw wave has a value that rises from its previous value and drops. This drop is the discontinuity.
Because digital oscillators create perfect changes across a single timestep. This results sounds that are "tinny," "clean," or "digital." They can create harmonics above the nyquist frequency (which means, they sound bad.)
BLEPs dirty up the hard changes so they do not create sounds above the nyquist frequency.
They are appropriate any time you will have a sharp discontinuity. So squares, pulses, and saws.
- Generate a single "band limited step" and store it in a table.
- Integrate this step in to the oscillator's output wherever a discontinuity would have ocurred.